Ace Industrial Products, headquartered in Saint Louis, Missouri, has designed and manufactured welding fume extractors and related equipment for over 50 years.
We take pride in providing high quality, American-built products that are simple to use, affordable to own, and most of all, highly effective in protecting welder health and safety.
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The Ace 74 Series Ambient Air Cleaner has been a popular product in the Ace assortment for years. They are an effective tool for general shop air cleaning, and while they are not a direct replacement for a source capture fume extractors, they are nevertheless an important supplement to a shop’s overall health and safety […]
The flammability rating of a welding fume extractor filter is a legitimate concern. All welding and related high heat metal working processes expose filters to the potential for fire and/or smoldering. Ace takes this fact seriously and has built two important features into it’s line of fume extractors to help mimimize first incidents. These features […]
Fair question. The number of fume extractor brands, and the number of different types offered by those brands, can make choosing the right extractor a daunting task. The real question, of course, being asked by a purchaser is “Given all the choices I see, how do I keep from buying the wrong extractor?” Businesses want […]